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Freebie Friday

Freebie Friday: Wood UI Elements Set

This week we have a UI elements set with a wooden look, complete with sliders, buttons, toggles, search fields, and star ratings. Feel free to use on personal or commercial projects, enjoy & share!

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Freebie Friday

Freebie Friday: Free Light UI Element Set

Freebie Fridays return from a week off after an extra busy week at work. We're happy to bring you a flexible and clean light UI elements set, complete with two sliders, bubble notifications, buttons, arrows, and more. Feel free to use on personal or commercial projects, enjoy & share!

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Competitive SEO Analysis: How A Quick Look Can Improve Your Search Rank

All of our marketing clients have one common goal to attract new potential customers to their website. While this goal should be actively targeted by many different aspects of inbound marketing, the foundation begins with search engine optimization, or SEO.

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Using Social Timing to Build an Audience

Last week I reported on studies by Buddy Media and Bit.ly that analyzed the best times to Tweet and post to Facebook. This week I have some thoughts on how to utilize their findings and apply it to your own business.

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Freebie Friday

Freebie Friday: Registration Form

This week we're bringing you a clean registration modal window, complete with form fields, check and "x" marks & radio buttons, which you can use to style any type of form you need. Feel free to use on personal or commercial projects, enjoy & share!

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When to Tweet and Post to Facebook

Two separate recent studies by Buddy Media measured the Tweeting and posting habits of brands using Facebook and Twitter. Their Twitter study looked at 320 of the world's largest brands, while their Facebook study focused on 200 of their clients Facebook pages. Both studies measured the effectiveness of tweeting on certain days and times in addition to the type of content posted.

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Freebie Friday

Freebie Friday: Dark Social Icons

This week we're bringing you some sleek dark social media buttons, which focus on creative networks such as DeviantArt, Soundcloud, and Behance. Feel free to use on personal or commercial projects, enjoy & share!

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Freebie Friday

Freebie Friday: Dark Calendar PSD

This week we're bringing you a free PSD calendar for your web or app designs, straight from our Monkee design department. All layers are fully editable and labeled, so changing colors or fonts is super easy. Enjoy & share with your friends!

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